Setup/edit your project’s Submittal settings in WeBuild
Setup/edit your project’s Submittal settings in WeBuild
The settings tool inside your project’s Submittals module allows you and your project team to add and manage defaults for submittal related components.
Once submittal settings are saved, they become available for all team members added to your Project Team.
Your project’s Submittal Settings can be accessed by clicking the “SETTINGS” button on the top-right hand side of your project’s submittals register.
A breakdown of each category of setting is listed below.
Note: Submittal settings are only accessible via desktop browser
Submittal Package
All submittals that are created in your project are grouped by Submittal Package.
In this section of your settings, you can add a new submittal package by clicking the “ADD” button and typing in the Submittal Package number and description.
Note: Submittal Package numbers must be numerical and unique.
After saving your settings, the entries added via settings will become available inside the “Submittal Package” menu when creating a new submittal.
Spec Section
Add a new Spec Section by clicking the “ADD” button and typing in the Spec Section number and description.
Note: Spec Section numbers must be unique.
After saving your settings, the entries added via settings will become available inside the “Spec Section” menu when creating a new submittal.
The submittal Type section of your settings includes a number of default categories of submittal.
You can add additional submittal types by clicking the “ADD” button and typing in the description.
After saving your settings, the entries added via settings will become available inside the “Type” menu when creating a new submittal.
The submittal Location section of settings allows you to pre-define related site locations in your preferred format.
You can add submittal locations by clicking the “ADD” button and typing in the description.
After saving your settings, the entries added via settings will become available inside the “Location” menu when creating a new submittal.
Response Status
The submittal Response section of your settings includes a number of default response types used when a submittal recipient is adding a response via the workflow tool.
You can add additional submittal Responses by clicking the “ADD” button and typing in the description.
After saving your settings, the entries added via settings will become available inside the “Response Type” menu when adding a submittal response.
When creating a submittal, the “workflow” section allows you to govern a structured submission-approval process across a number of contacts.
To avoid repetitive data entry you can create workflow templates in order to pre-fill the workflow section of submittals.
To add a new workflow template, click the “CREATE TEMPLATE” button, add contacts (in order of the submission-approval sequence), add their “role” and click “SAVE”.
After saving your settings, workflow templates will become available in the “Submittal Workflow” section when creating a new submittal. Click the “IMPORT TEMPLATE” button to view and select a workflow template.
General Settings
General Settings lists options for certain submittal-related features.
A description of each General Setting is listed below.
Submittal Schedule
The Submittal Schedule tool is an aid to help users calculate the timing of their review process when creating a new submittal.
The Submittal Schedule forms part of the Submittal pdf produced once sent or saved, but has no bearing on the response Workflow.
The Submittal Schedule section is activated by default in your submittals module, but can be switched off by unchecking the “Enable Submittal Schedule section” checkbox.
After switching off this setting, the Submittal Schedule section will be hidden from the “create new submittal” interface.
Dynamic Approver Due Dates
If a contact in a submittal workflow sends their response earlier than the allotted due date, the rest of the approvers now have more time to submit their response than originally allowed for.
The Dynamic Due Date setting calculates the number of days saved and updates the Due Dates of all subsequent responders in the workflow to keep responses moving along.
The Dynamic Due Date setting is activated by default in your submittals module, but can be switched off by unchecking the “Enable Dynamic Approver Due Dates” checkbox.
Allow Approver to Forward for Review
In a submittal workflow, only one contact can respond at a time in the sequence defined when the submittal was originally created.
In the event where it’s one contact’s turn to respond, there may be a situation where the contact requires feedback from another person that wasn’t originally added to the workflow.
The “Forward for Review” option allows users to forward the submittal to another contact.
When this happens, the new contact (the “forwardee”) is inserted above the original contact (the “forwarder”) inside the submittal workflow.
Once the new contact (the “forwardee”) receives the related email notification, they can then view, review and respond to the submittal.
The “Forward for Review” setting is activated by default in your submittals module, but can be switched off by unchecking the “Allow approver to Forward for Review” checkbox.
Default Submittal Manager
Each submittal you create requires a member of your project team to be selected as the “Submittal Manager”, which is in charge of overseeing the submittal submission and approval process.
If the submittal manager will be the same for all submittals created for the project, you can select a project team member as the default, which will pre-populate this field each time a new submittal is created.
Create a new Submittal in WeBuild
Create a new Submittal in WeBuild
Create a new submittal in your project, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to the Submittals register
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Submittals tool to access your project’s Submittal register.
Step 2: Click the “CREATE” button
Click the “CREATE” button to start completing the submittal form.
Step 3: Complete the submittals form
i. General Information
Start by entering your submittal’s Title, then select the related Submittal Package and Spec Sections.
The number fields to the right-hand side of the Spec Section menu represent the Submittal’s Number and Revision Number. These are added to the related submittal package number to form the Submittal ID.
The Submittal Manager represents to project team member that is responsible for managing the submittal’s workflow correspondence and receives all submittal-related notifications.
After adding the above, select the submittal Type, Location and enter the submittal’s Description.
ii. Submittal Schedule Information
The Submittal Schedule tool is an aid to help users calculate the timing of their review process when creating a new submittal.
After selecting the “Required On-Site Date”, enter the number of days you would like to allow for under the “Lead Time”, “Design Team Review Time” and “Internal Review Time” fields.
The “Planned Return Date”, “Planned Internal Review Date” and “Planned Submit By Date” will then be automatically calculated.
The Submittal Schedule forms part of the Submittal pdf produced once sent or saved, but has no bearing on the response Workflow.
The Submittal Schedule section is activated by default in your submittals module, but can be switched off in your project’s Submittal Settings.
iii. Submittal Workflow
When creating a submittal, the “workflow” section allows you to govern a structured submission-approval process across a number of contacts.
The first line of the workflow represents the “Submitter”. This contact is responsible for submitting the documents to be approved.
Type to search and select a contact from your Address Book to be the “Submitter”. If a contact you search for is not already in your Address Book, click the “CREATE NEW CONTACT” button inside the search list to add them.
After adding the “Submitter”, you can then add as many contacts to the workflow as required under the role “Submitter”, “Reviewer” or “Approver”.
Please be sure to add the workflow contacts in the exact order you would like the submittal to be reviewed.
iv. Overdue Notifications
Once the due date of one of the workflow contacts in your submittal has passed, the submittal’s status changes to “Overdue”.
If the “Send overdue notifications to workflow contacts” is checked, the Submittal Manager and the related workflow contact will receive an email and push notification
If this option is unchecked, no overdue notifications will be sent.
v. Distributors
If you would like to include contacts in correspondence related to the submittal, but they are unrelated to the submittal workflow, you can add them as a Distributor.
Distributors are notified when a workflow contact adds a response, anyone related to the submittal adds a comment (or replies directly to an email notification) and when the submittal is closed.
Step 4: Add attachments (optional)
You can attach a file from your document register, a plan markup, form notice, file from your device or take a photo by clicking the green paperclip button.
Attachments are included in a zip file with the Submittal PDF and can be downloaded via the related email notifications once sent to contacts.
Step 5: Send, Save or Save as draft
After adding all related information to your submittal, click the “DONE” button on the top-right hand side of your screen to reveal the below options:
Send (email notifications are sent to recipients)
Save (email notifications are not sent to recipients, but submittal is logged)
Save as draft (come back to your submittal later)
Step 6: Notifications (if sent)
After sending a submittal, the first contact added to the workflow will receive an email notification like the one in the example below.
Recipients can click the “Download Submittal + Attachments” button to download the submittal pdf and any related attachments, or click “View Online/Respond” button to respond to the submittal.
A record of the submittal is added to your project’s Submittals register with all related information, including a date/time stamp for download activity.
Note: Other contacts added to the workflow will receive an email notification when it is their turn to add a response.
Step 9: Comments or questions
Contacts can ask any questions by replying directly to the email notification. The sender and all other recipients will receive the related updates via email.
Submittal senders and recipients can also send messages via the submittal’s “COMMENTS” tab when viewing online.
All replies to submittal emails and messages will also be logged in the “COMMENTS” tab of the submittal interface.
Note: Recipients that are not a part of your organisation will only be able to view and access the submittals that relate to them.
Import Submittals from Excel
Import Submittals from Excel
The Import Tool allows users to import submittals into a project’s Submittal Register via excel spreadsheet. Users can import up to 500 submittals at once.
To import submittals into your project’s submittals register, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to the Submittals register
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Submittals tool to access your project’s Submittal register.
Step 2: Click the “IMPORT” button
Click the “IMPORT” button to display the import dialog.
Step 3: Download the template
Click the “DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE” button to download the submittal import template.
Step 4: Complete the template
Open the spreadsheet template and add the details of each submittal row in-line with each column’s corresponding label.
Mandatory columns are marked with an asterisk next to each column label.
Note: Submittal Numbers and Revision Numbers will automatically be assigned numbers if left blank.
Step 5: Import your template
Drop your file into the drop zone to import your submittals.
Once imported, the submittals will be displayed in the register in a “draft” status.
The workflow section of each imported submittal must be completed individually before it is distributed.
Export a Submittal Summary report
Export a Submittal Summary report
The Submittal Summary report provides an outline of selected submittals in your project’s Submittal Register including general information, contact responses and status in either excel or pdf format.
To create a Submittal Summary Report, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to the Submittals register
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Submittals tool to access your project’s Submittal register.
Step 2: Select Submittals
First hover over a submittal and click the checkbox on the left hand side to show the bottom toolbar.
You can then click the checkboxes of each submittal you would like to include in your report (or click the checkbox on the left-hand side of the bottom toolbar to select all submittals at once).
Step 3: Click “SUMMARY” and select format
Click the “SUMMARY” button located in the bottom toolbar, then select either the “PDF” or “EXCEL” option.
Step 4: Include/exclude previous versions
It possible to have multiple versions of one particular submittal.
If you would like to only include the most current versions of each selected submittal in your report, select the top option.
If you would like to include the most current version and all previous versions of each selected submittal in your report, select the bottom option.
Step 5: Export
Click the “EXPORT” button to export your report.
How are Submittal ID numbers generated?
How are Submittal ID numbers generated?
Each submittal you produce is assigned a unique ID made up of three components; the Submittal Package number, the Submittal number and the Revision number.
Submittal Package numbers for a project are added via the Submittal Settings, or when creating a new submittal.
Submittal Numbers represent one particular submittal under a specific Submittal Package. Submittal numbers start from “1” by default, but any numerical value can be used here as long as it doesn’t already exist in the project’s submittal register.
Revision numbers represent one particular version of a submittal and start from “1” by default (but can also start from any number). New versions of a submittal can be created by a project team member via the “Workflow” tab of the related submittal.
Submittal Package number Submittal number Revision number
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