Document Management

Construction Plans & other files

The Document Management section of the User Guide contains the following topics:

Document Folders & Registers Construction Plans & other files Instruction Videos

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Construction Plans and Other Files

Naming your plans/files

Automatically label your plans using the Auto-label (OCR) tool

Add plans / files to a folder

To add plans and files to your document folder, follow the steps below.

Split a multi-page pdf file

Unzip a folder

Add a status to your plan/file

Add a custom status to your plan/file

Add a note to your plan/file

View a plan/file

View an older version of a plan

View an older version of other file types

To view an older version of a file that is not a plan (i.e. a single paged pdf), follow the steps below.

Step 2:  Click on the file

Click on the file that wish to view an older version of it.

Markup plans

Edit a markup annotation

Export a plan markup

Show / hide specific markups from your plan

View a plan’s markup history

Download one file/all files from a folder

To download selected plans or files from a folder, follow the steps below.

Delete plans/files from a folder

Share selected plans/files from a folder

Move a plan/file to another folder

Add a revision number and other details to plans/files

Contact us to learn more

Critical Path Method: Simplifying the process for your construction business

Critical Path Method (CPM) is a defining resource for the construction industry. First developed in the late 1950s, the critical path method has been utilised in a variety of project development projects including engineering, aerospace and plant maintenance. CPM has rapidly become an essential staple for construction projects today, but many business owners are intimidated from what is perceived as a complex process.

A guide to As-Built Drawings

A Guide To Construction As Built Drawings

The value of As Built drawings is often underrated, especially their importance for the efficient management of the project after construction has been completed. This article takes a brief look at As Built drawings; what they are, how they are created and why they are important.

How to prepare the best construction client report

How to prepare a great construction client report (Infographic)

The customary monthly clients meeting is a time when you have the chance to give your clients progress updates about their project and provide them with a monthly report. Your monthly report says a lot about your professionalism and should not be rushed or overlooked. It is an ideal way to instill confidence in your clients about your company’s ability to communicate, and to demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of their project and their priorities.

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