Quality and Safety – Safety Notice
The Quality and Safety section of the User Guide also contains the following topics:
Punchlist/Defects | Safety Inspection
The Quality and Safety section of the User Guide also contains the following topics:
Punchlist/Defects | Safety Inspection
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Safety Notice - Create a Safety item list
The Safety Notice Manager helps your project team members create and distribute a list of Safety items to companies working on your project in bulk.
As you perform your safety walk on site and add items to your list, the safety issue manager will group all your items and distribute a unique Safety notice for each.
To create a Safety list and distribute safety notices, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Safety notice tool to access the Safety register.
Click the “CREATE” button to start a new list of safety items.
Click the “ADD SAFETY ITEM” button to add a safety item’s details, including description, location, responsible contact and due date.
Note: You can search for anyone in your address book by contact name, email address, company name or tag. Contacts do not require a WeBuild account to view, download or respond to your notice.
Click the small floating paperclip button to reveal the attachment options for your notice.
After you are finished adding your defect item’s details and attachments, click the “SAVE” button on the top right-hand side of your screen to save the item to your list.
You can add more items to your list by clicking the “ADD ITEM” button.
As you add safety items to the list, they are automatically grouped by company.
After you are finished adding items to your defect list, click the “DONE” button on the top right-hand side of your screen to reveal the below options:
You have the option to include other project team members as a “Cc” to each notice that is created. Selected project team members will also be kept in the loop with all related correspondence and comments for the related notices.
After sending a Safety notice, each contact receives an email notification like the one in the example below.
Recipients can click the “Download Notice” button to download the Safety notice pdf and any related attachments or click “View Details” button to view/update the Safety items via the interface.
A record of the Safety notice is added to your project’s Safety notice register with all related information, including a date/time stamp for download activity.
Example: Safety notice pdf file
All recipients can ask any questions by replying directly to the email notification. The sender and all other recipients will receive the related updates via email.
Safety notice senders and recipients can also send messages via the notice’s “COMMENTS” tab when viewing the notice online.
All replies to Safety notice emails and messages will also be logged in the “COMMENTS” tab of the Defect notice in the interface.
Note: Recipients that are not a part of your organisation will only be able to view and access the notices that relate to them.
Safety Notice - Update the status of Safety items
This article will teach you how project team members and Safety notice recipients can update the status of individual safety items and close off safety notices.
To update the status of safety items and notify the related notice contacts, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Safety notice tool to access the Safety register.
Click on the related safety notice.
In the “SAFETY ITEMS” tab, click the “CHANGE STATUS” button on the top right-hand side of your safety item list.
In the “Change Status” dialogue, click the menu on the right-hand side of each safety item and select the application status for each.
Project team members can update the status of safety items to “Incomplete”, “Ready for Review” or “Completed”.
To send an email notification to all related notice contacts, ensure the “Send notification” box is checked and click the “SUBMIT” button.
After a project team member marks all safety items in a notice as “Completed”, they can close the safety notice and send updates to all notice contacts. An updated safety notice .pdf file is attached to the email notification, including a sign-off section with the notice creator’s signature (if added).
Note: Only project team members can mark items as “Completed” (i.e. contacts external to the project team’s organisation can only mark safety items as “Ready for Review” or “Incomplete”).
To add your signature to the “sign-off” section of your updated Safety notice .pdf file, click the “Attach signature” box then click and drag to draw your signature.
Example: Safety notice .pdf file with “Sign-off” section included.
Go to your email inbox and open the related safety notice email notification.
At the bottom of the Safety notice email notification, click the “READY FOR REVIEW” button to be directed to the Safety notice interface.
Note: Contacts from outside your organisation can only view and download notices that are related to them.
In the “Change Status” dialogue, click the menu on the right-hand side of each safety item and select the application status for each.
Note: Safety notice recipients can only update the status of safety items to “Incomplete” or “Ready for Review” (i.e. they cannot mark items as “Completed)”.
To send an email notification to all related notice contacts, ensure the “Send notification” box is checked, then click the “SUBMIT” button.
Notice contacts will receive an email notification.
After a project team member marks all defect items in a notice as “Completed”, they can sign-off and close the defect notice and send updates to all notice contacts. An updated Defect notice .pdf file is attached to the email notification, including a sign-off section with the notice creator’s signature (if added).
Note: Only project team members can mark items as “Completed” (i.e. contacts external to the project team’s organisation can only mark defect items as “Ready for Review” or “Incomplete”).
Example: Safety notice .pdf file with “Sign-off” section included.
Safety Notice - Edit a Safety notice
To edit a safety notice, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Safety notice tool to access the Safety register.
Click the overflow button on the right-hand side of a Safety notice block and select “Edit” from the menu.
A list of the notice’s safety items is displayed.
Click the overflow button on the right-hand side of the related safety item and select “Edit” from the menu.
Edit the details of a safety item, then click the “SAVE” button on the top right-hand side of your screen to save your changes.
Attachments can be removed by clicking on the trash icon button on the bottom right-hand side of each attachment.
Note: Contacts cannot be added to/removed from the “To” field when editing a safety item.
After you are finished adding to/editing items to your safety list, click the “DONE” button on the top right-hand side of your screen to reveal the below options:
– Send (email notifications are sent to recipients)
– Save (email notifications are not sent to recipients, but notice is logged)
You have the option to include other project team members as a “Cc” to each notice that is created. Selected project team members will also be kept in the loop with all related correspondence and comments for the related notices.
After re-sending a Safety notice, each contact receives an email notification like the one in the example below.
Recipients can click the “Download Notice” button to download the Safety notice pdf and any related attachments, or click “View Details” button to view/update the Safety items via the interface.
The existing record of the Safety notice is updated in your project’s Safety notice register with all related information, including a date/time stamp for download activity.
Example: Safety notice pdf file
All recipients can ask any questions by replying directly to the email notification. The sender and all other recipients will receive the related updates via email.
Safety notice senders and recipients can also send messages via the notice’s “COMMENTS” tab when viewing the notice online.
All replies to Safety notice emails and messages will also be logged in the “COMMENTS” tab of the Defect notice in the interface.
Note: Recipients that are not a part of your organisation will only be able to view and access the notices that relate to them.
Safety Notice - Export a Safety notice
To export a Safety notice from your register, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Safety notice tool to access the Safety register.
Click the overflow button on the right-hand side of a Safety notice block and select “Export” from the menu.
Note: To select multiple Safety notices, hover over the notice and click the checkbox on the left-hand side of the notice title.
Example: Safety notice pdf file
Safety Notice - Share a Safety Notice
To export a Safety notice from your register, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Safety notice tool to access the Safety register.
Click the overflow button on the right-hand side of a Safety notice block and select “Share” from the menu.
Note: To select multiple Safety notices, hover over the notice and click the checkbox on the left-hand side of the notice title.
Add one or more contacts you would like to share your selected notices with by typing into the search field and selecting them from the list.
If the contact you are searching for isn’t in your address book, click the “ADD NEW CONTACT” button to add them.
Note: You can search for anyone in your address book by contact name, email address or company name. Contacts do not require a WeBuild account to view or download shared notices.
After sending a Defect notice, each contact receives an email notification like the one in the example below.
Recipients can click the “Download Notice” button to download the Defect notice pdf and any related attachments.
Safety Notice - Remove a Safety notice
To export a Safety notice from your register, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Safety notice tool to access the Safety register.
Click the overflow button on the right-hand side of a Safety notice block and select “Remove” from the menu.
Note: To select multiple Safety notices, hover over the notice and click the checkbox on the left-hand side of the notice title.
Safety Notice - Export a Safety register report
To export a Safety register report, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Management module and click on the Safety notice tool to access the Safety register.
Select the Defect notices you would like to include in your Summary Report by hovering over each notice and clicking the checkbox on the left-hand of each notice title.
Click on the “SUMMARY” button on the floating toolbar to export a report of your Safety register.
Example: Safety notice pdf file
Request for Information notices or RFIs are one of the most common, and unavoidable, admin processes for a construction project. It is always important for a contractor managing a project that RFIs are managed efficiently to minimise delays and cost overruns.
Construction collaboration is crucial for the success of any project. The sharing of knowledge and information among project participants is one of the fundamental components of a successful working relationship with the goal of completing the project on time, within budget and in accordance with specifications.
Construction is one of the global economy’s largest industries. It employs over 7 percent of the world’s workforce and involves an annual expenditure of around $10 trillion on related goods and services, representing 13% of global GDP. However, the construction industry has lagged behind other industries in improving its productivity.
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